Sources Renegade Health Magazine Issue 8
Saving Futures, One Birth at a Time
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2. Oiticica, Daniel. "Sustainable Future: Growing Up Together." Connect El Salvador, 13 Dec. 2021. https://connectelsalvador.com/interviews/sustainable-future-growing-up-together/.
3. "Avanza la implementación de la Ley Nacer con Cariño para garantizar el respeto y los proyectos en pro de los derechos de la niñez salvadoreña." Presidencia de la República de El Salvador, 19 Aug. 2021. https://www.presidencia.gob.sv/avanza-la-implementacion-de-la-ley-nacer-con-carino-para-garantizar-el-respeto-y-los-proyectos-en-pro-de-los-derechos-de-la-ninez-salvadorena/.
4. "Ley Nacer con Cariño dará las oportunidades para que las nuevas generaciones construyan un mejor país." Presidencia de la República de El Salvador, 1 Jan. 2023. https://www.presidencia.gob.sv/ley-nacer-con-carino-dara-oportunidades-para-que-las-nuevas-generaciones-construyan-un-mejor-pais/.
5. "Ley Nacer con Cariño y ley Crecer Juntos, un regalo para la sociedad salvadoreña." Diario El Salvador, 10 May 2023. https://diarioelsalvador.com/ley-nacer-con-carino-y-ley-crecer-juntos-un-regalo-para-la-sociedad-salvadorena/.
6. "Con el Gobierno del Presidente Bukele se fomenta la lactancia materna con la política de primera infancia y la ley ‘Nacer con Cariño.’" Presidencia de la República de El Salvador, 2 Aug. 2021. https://www.presidencia.gob.sv/con-el-gobierno-del-presidente-bukele-se-fomenta-la-lactancia-materna-con-la-politica-de-primera-infancia-y-la-ley-nacer-con-carino/.
7. "Primera dama, Gabriela de Bukele, verifica cumplimiento de Ley Nacer con Cariño." Diario El Salvador, 12 July 2022. https://diarioelsalvador.com/primera-dama-gabriela-de-bukele-verifica-cumplimiento-de-ley-nacer-con-carino/.
Growing A Nation
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3. Jamogrand. “Mongolia’s Mothers: The ‘Order of Glorious Mother’ Initiative.” Jamogrand, 5 May 2022, https://www.jamogrand.com/post/mongolian-mothers.
Shots In The Dark
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Recommended Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule for Ages 18 Years or Younger, United States, 2023." CDC, https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/imz-schedules/child-adolescent-age.html?CDC_AAref_Val=https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html.
2. Sears, Robert W. The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child. Little, Brown Spark, 2011.
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Raising Resilient Kids
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The G.O.A.T. of Baby Formula
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2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. "Infant Formula." FDA, https://www.fda.gov/food/resources-you-food/infant-formula.
3. Mama Knows Nutrition. "US or EU? We’re Comparing Baby Formula Ingredients." Mama Knows Nutrition, 2022, https://mamaknowsnutrition.com/comparing-baby-formula-ingredients/.
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Plastic Perils
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2. Montano, Luigi, et al. First Evidence of Microplastics in Human Ovarian Follicular Fluid: An Emerging Threat to Female Fertility, 5 Apr. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.04.04.24305264.
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